Fallen Beauty
This is the remaining anemone from the two buds I blipped against the old chimney pot. They have had a beating from several extremes of weather. I had to rest my camera on the ground to get its "face." I love the vivid colours now that the sunshine is brighter, and this morning the air was so clear. Pretty good in large.
I didn't mean to post anemones two days in a row, but it's the last chance for this one. The chimney pot is hiding the vent to my septic tank. Because of the earthquake the whole area will have to be dug up so that the old concrete tank can be checked. I'm hoping the anemones can be moved without too much loss. It will make a mess of my lawn and parts of the flower gardens. But nothing like the mess many people have suffered from the earthquake.
Oh, I see it was an anemone last year too.
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