The Laws

By thelaws

Wedded Bliss

Today Chris' Grampy Bill got married. I'd sat next to them both at my sister-in-law's wedding in August and amongst chatting about this that and the other told them how lovely I thought it was that they were together and that it is lovely after both losing their respective partners they have been able to find love and happiness again. On the Monday Kay went home to Southampton and Grampy Bill realised he didn't like it and so he rang her and asked her to marry him over the phone... Which they did - today.

It was a lovely simple civil ceremony followed by a celebratory lunch - Grampy Bill chose the menu himself and we had a lovely piece of Roast beef (Good choice!). Everyone had a wonderful day, the sun shone and I wish them all the best for their life together.

The blip is naturally of Grampy Bill, Kay (we need to sort out what she would like to be called!) and their great grandchildren on 'our' side of the family: Joe, my nephew George and Lou - who all wanted to wear their outfits from Tracy & Stuarts wedding!

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