In Tru Life

By TruLife

I like the BIG BATH now!

Floriana has now made the move out of the sink into the big bath which she loves, but I want her to be cosy so I am filling it up to her tummy. But I feel it's such a waste of water. I want to find a baby bath which I can fill inside the big bath to save water but that has room for, or has it's own sitting up bath seat inside. Any suggestions welcome.

We went to baby and toddler group today and I chatted to more nice mums for longer this time so I'm slowly getting to know more people. Floriana seems to enjoy it and loves to be read to and stroke the "That's not my...." books. There is a group of mummies who like to get organised for lunch early and get all the high chairs so I'll have to get in there quicker or else get myself invited to join them! There's a bit of a Mummy Mafia going on there! Lol.

Maddy went to trampolining class and afterwards was allowed 5 minutes in the softplay, but actually thought it'd be a good idea to say "No!" when I said it was time to go! She didn't think that for long though when she lost her TV, computer and DS for the day! She'll soon learn... I hope!

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