The Master at work

I confess that I left whenhe cut open the lungs. I made it through the kidneys and the windpipe, but then the smell of the lungs was too much!

I don't know how he does it - but it was very interesting and he has such a gentle manner, even whilst dissecting a kidney.

But really, UGH UGH UGH.

Open Evening tonight. Frantic.

not bloody helped by the fact that the input end of my USB memory stick broke off in the computer just before the start of the evening, and I haven't backed up for two weeks so I have potentially lost two very important pieces of work - that might be my plan for the weekend IF the Data recovery people can't do anything with it. Gutted. My own fault - rushing around trying to pick up pieces of things that weren't of my concern. If I hadn't have bothered, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Bath, Bed.

If you want to see WRONGNESS, courtesy of my husband, click here.. This is what happens when you sort out the toy cupboard!

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