
By QuerkyPoo

Preening Pied Shag

A good sign of the relationship with wildlife quarry is the relaxed nature of the subject - A bird is often unsure of the intruder to its (space) (which is a topic in itself.)

I very regularly find if a bird is about to fly - just before-hand it will poop - Ha! - maybe it makes its take-off lighter - who knows ? but when a bird is preening its obviously happy in its own environment. This one was very happy with my presence - it did take off after I'd spent 3/4 hour with it - I thought what a nice time we had had together - which is why I like taking wild-life photos.

I took about 30 photos during the time and only took one when it was doing something other than just sitting looking pretty. I like to get some action and discard all those which dont appeal in that way. Any way - enough !
rgds pooba.

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