
By Fi

Away Day!

We could not have picked a better day for our Embassy Away Day. Not your typical first day of Autumn, that's for sure.

It was an alternative take on the annual event, all in the name of not spending any money, given the current climate and so we were all packed off to the Botanical Gardens on the outskirts of the city. I was in the weeding and clearing team, and we had to tidy up an area full of plants. I can't be any more specific than that I'm afraid, but I'm pretty confident that I didn't pull up an endangered species as I cleared. There was ivy everywhere though and so I might have reduced that somewhat!

There was an additional task, which was to design and make jewellery out of whatever we found. We had a craft bag with things to help (wire, thread, needles, paper, glue...) and we all displayed our wares back at the BBQ area (and what a day it was for a barbie!). The results were superb, with pieces reflective of the area where the teams had worked. A lot of us are clearly in the wrong job!

Anyway - the legs are beginning to ache so I think I'm going to have a nice long soak and an early night. For a change!

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