
Didn't feel that I'd achieved very much today. Got a lot of the displaced stuff up on the walls and I suppose that felt good, but the lad was feeling a bit ropey so that took the edge off things.

It's not easy to mask your feelings when someone close to you is ill. Even if you managed to suppress the sadness and hurt, it comes out in other ways. Irritation for example. All too easy to let little things that wouldn't normally bother you become catastrophic. All to easy to read meaning that wasn't there into comments others make. All too easy to feel isolated and insecure.

Helps to have focus. Helps to have a purpose. Besides, only two more days of the chemo drug routine to go and after all, he did look really comfortable in his new bed.

Anyway, this is one of the things I stuck up on the kitchen wall. The son gave it to me for Christmas a few years back.

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