Is it Just For the Moment We Live?
30 years ago, my friend and I used to go down the beach of an evening, and lay on our backs and look at the sky.
We stared hard at the stars as one by one they blinked into view, and the sky got darker and darker. We would lay there for hours contemplating the vastness of it all, and our insignificant, little, tiny part of it all.
I would always give in first. The enormity of it always threatened to make my brain collapse. Why was there sky? Why were there Stars? How could it be that what we were seeing was thousands, and thousand of years old? Why were we not falling off the earth? What was the point of it all?
I'm not a religious person, but I believe in a greater good. Not your god, or his, or her's over there, just a general goodness.
The closest anyone has come to similarity of my belief is Kevin Smith, in his film Dogma. When you get past the violence, and the swearing, the message behind that film is so good and pure, that I could cry. If there was such a thing as God. I would want him to have Kevin Smith's heart.
A Virtual Friend suffered a terrible loss yesterday and is taking heart from her faith and the good wishes of all those around the family. It's at times like that, I am in awe of any person with faith. To be able to take comfort whilst not comprehending why a situation happens is in itself a miracle.
Once, I was speaking with a Christian, who appeared to suffer more than most, with family tragety, illness, poverty and a continual run of bad luck. I said, I completely admired her spirit, that I wouldn't be able to cope in the face of the troubles that she had faced.
She turned to me and said "God gives me pain because I can cope with it, he doesn't give it to people who are incapable and unbelieving".
Am not sure that was exactly the attitude I was expecting.
I don't mean to offend anyone with this, my mind is working hard, and I just needed to put it down.
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