And I've Never Met Anyone Quite Like You Before...
Dinner was finished, and we were settling down on the couch to watch TV. The light in the room changed and I glanced at the back windows.
The sky although completely cloud covered, was glowing golden - as I looked out the front, the clouds there were black and forboding. Aha, I thought, beautiful sunset on route. I grabbed the camera and dived out side.
The rainbow which greeted me at the front was breathtaking.
I as headed towards the beach, I didn't know which way to look - ahead of me, golden light - and a blinding sunset, behind me, black blue clouds, and a massive rainbow.
I pulled in along side the beach, and got out to take some more shots - the rain was falling by now, and the rainbow got brighter and brighter. In all of the heavy cloud cover, there was a little gap, and in that little gap, the sun was burning a hole.
To the left of the horizon - just out of this shot Was this. .
Evenings like this make me think... WOW!
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