All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

40 winks

We could all have done with 40 winks today. Ethan woke around 2am and I asked hubbie if he could try to re-settle him without me having to feed Ethan back to sleep. Over an hour later I was wishing I'd just got up and fed him as Ethan just howled that whole time meaning none of the 3 of us got any sleep. In the end hubbie brought him through to me, I fed him and 15 minutes later he was fast asleep! Shame it then took me a while to drop off again!

When Ethan woke for the day at 7am though I let hubbie have a lie-in and I got up instead. I managed to last till 2pm before going back to bed for a bit myself.

In between times, we did go out for a wee bit. It was the official opening of Eliburn Park today, so we popped up there for a wander round. It was one of those days where it was warmer outside than it looked and I've never seen the park so busy! We bumped into one of my sisters colleagues and I was surpised with the amount of people there not to see more people I knew!

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