All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

But mum, I don't WANT to wear a hat!

I can see that this winter I'm going to have big problems getting Ethan to keep his hat on his head. As quick as I could put his new hat on today, he had whipped it back off again. I gave up in the end and just put his hood up, as he hasn't yet figured out how to pull that down when he's in the pushchair!

We went to a party today. One of the mums I've become friends with since we met at Baby Sensory earlier in the year invited us to her sons 1st birthday party which was today. I was a bit nervous about going as I didn't know any of her other friends or family but it wasn't too bad. Ethan seemed to enjoy the first hour, then he fell asleep on my lap, woke up when I shifted position and got rather grumpy after that. When he started having a meltdown a wee while later, I decided to cut my losses and we came back home! Not until I'd had a yummy slice of birthday cake though!

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