Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

I kissed a Boy today

Well actually it was A full on lick,
mummy couldn't blip that though,
Nor him getting his kiss in!
so your stuck with me, in my minnie mouse dress,
Previous minnie mouse dress blip,
I think I have grown a bit since then,
also have a bit more hair on my head!

We went to truro today,
there was a Cornish Food festival, it looked yummy,
daddy got to try lots of sample,
I missed out coz mummy got a bit panicky about the crowds,
so she took me round the shops instead,
it was fun though,
I got to see megan and karen and garry again to,
and they saved me some samples..
Olives failed in the lick test..Nooo not nice,
biscuits were good though!!
It was a fun day, and I am feeling better over my tooth!
hope everyone has had a good sunday xx

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