I missed you.

As we have had such a busy week and are all tired we had a lazy day today and just stayed home. Erin has got a cold beginning today and was very whiney so I don't think she or we could have tolerated taking her anywhere. She has been very taken with Archie all day and keeps telliong him she missed him and judging by how he has been he missed us all too. Him and Erin were having a lovely play in the sun coming through the window and Erin has even got him to give her a high five!! He won't do it for us but when she puts her hand to him and says "high five" he touched her hand with his paw. It is so cute. Will try and get it on video tomorrow, typically today when I went to the battery was flat.

Have put all my backblips in from the holiday. if anyone fancied a look. We had a great time and none of us wanted to come home.

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