
By schlimm



After a wonky day. A talk this morning that didn't lead anywhere and brought up more questions than answers. Then lunch at Butterflies which as always had too many children milling about. I was pressed for time, had to get the little ones home relatively quickly so that we could go and pick L up from her playdate. At stop off at home managed to have BIG argument with B, to such an extent that I felt inadequate and rubbish afterwards, told a fellow mum about it (which in Britain is certainly not the done thing, one doesn't share too personal a story with just anybody...) but I had to talk about it, I was bursting with anger and frustration. Luckily I got to talk to a friend which defused me a little bit.

Went swimming with L and afterwards to Fish and Chip shop. When I got home we had established a truce and I'm quite glad to say that I did not apologise because I really don't think there was anything to apologise for. Now there!

Watched District Nine which was very interesting and made be feel just that little bit homesick. There is something in English spoken with a South African accent that feels very homely. Well, maybe the fact that the first three years of my life were spent in South Africa have something to do with it...

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