Clever girl.

Today we were caring for baby Ela, she is with us every Tuesday morning more or less every week now as her Mummy has a new job. She is such a sweet little baby and very easy to care for. It's a bonus that Jack and Erin adore her and love to sit and play, makes my job even easier. She has just started standing on her own and is so proud of herself that she gives a little clap once she's done it. It is very sweet. Decided today with her Mummy that I am also going to have her another 2 full days a week from a months time. She currently goes to nursey but cries when she is left which she never does with me. Her Mummy feels she would rather she be with someone that is more Mummy than worker and I feel very priviledged that she is so happy for it to be me.

Baby back blips fromhere today.

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