jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Music Maker - again

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More music making... Oh aye oh aye oh aye...

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday. Ever have one of those days that you really could do without? There were some lovely bits to the day, but overall it was just stressful!

Started off ok to be fair. Ben was happy at tots, happy to go off playing without constantly crying for me or clinging to me; and then I had to leave him there (with a friend, who was taking him home with her and her son) while I went off to see the dental hygienist.

Ben got a ride in a bike tagalong carriage thing with his friend Nat, he got lunch, and he got to play for a couple of hours. I got to rush to the dentists, be told I have gum disease, endure cleaning, rush back to collect Ben and rush off to another village for my annual diabetic checkup thing. Which was much better - I am apparently in tip top condition, apart from the obvious sugar intolerance thing. And the cold.

And because I am a diabetic oddity, I'm being referred to a clinic in Brighton who like odd diabetics. Maybe we'll find out what exactly is wrong with me, maybe it'll go some way to helping other odd diabetics, maybe it might come in handy in the future if any of our kids starts displaying the symptoms of diabetes.

I had lunch at 3.30pm, while Ben snored in the car....

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