Arctic-Mummy's Journal

By arcticmummy

Better Mood - Better Day!

I had a much better day today! Need to add a ps onto yesterday's list: The good bits!

1. We had a glorious rainbow and the most fantastic skies yesterday early evening
2. I had a glass of fizz and a catch up with my parents whilst the boys were having their piano lesson.

Kizzy & Tala (Charlie's sister) joined us for a walk this morning; took TT out for its longest pull yet ... 5.5 miles. Which even included 2 quite steep hills. Having pulled TT 4 days out of the last 5 it is almost beginning to feel normal (that is worrying). Kizzy thinks it is time I changed to the bigger tyre (I think that is just to slow me down, so that she can keep up!)

Apart from training for pulling a 50Kg pulk in the Arctic, I would also like to do a sponsored tyre pull before Christmas of 15 - 20 miles, so I do need to be increasing the distances.

Managed to complete a number of 'chores' from my to do list.... the rest will have to wait until next week, as I am off for a girlee w/e with my 3 sisters and Mum tomorrow. The venue, my all time favourite chill out pad - Babington House!

These mushrooms / toadstools are taking over the lawn at the front of our house, this little slug seems to like them!!

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