Arctic-Mummy's Journal

By arcticmummy

Bad Mood .... Dog Tired!

Need to blip & get to bed to regain my sense of humour. Number of reasons...

1. Woke up before 5.00am this morning & could not get back to sleep again.
2. Drove up to London (oh what joy) crawled for 30 mins in very slow traffic for no real reason apart from volume.
3. Had frustrating meeting with key customer. We want to build relationship & for both of us to make money. they want us to make them lots of money
4. Have a quality issue on some labels ... which is not a quality problem, but a communication issue (more work)
5. It has rained most of the day
6. Consequently I did not walk with TT, so even more frustrated & cross with self.

At least the cat has had a good day snuggled up with the dog ... me I am just jealous!

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