Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Onwards and upwards!

I kept plugging away on "To Do" list today. It is quite long. At the top "Find apartment/sublet" mocks, followed by "NYC Job". All in a day's work but I am distracted by getting this Fulbright proposal finished and the alluring possibilities of getting outside on a beautiful day.

I accomplished a tolerable amount of work before afternoon rolled around, taking my cue to speed away. I fled the dark, cramped confines of indoors for a magical leafy green sanctuary outdoors, the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. I have been here before, a year ago visiting in the spring and just in time for the cherry blossoms. Now in late summer the cherries are mute and still, though new characters are now aflame in color.

I wondered through rose gardens, rock gardens, herb gardens, and Japanese gardens. I nerded out inwardly to myself sleuthing obscure botanical Latin names. I breathed in stillness and grace, and exhaled chaos and angst. I let my imagination wander, taking my feet along bodily for the ride. And by the time I realized where I was it was nearly dark and I was caught dreaming out loud with my eyes wide open.

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