In Tru Life

By TruLife

Coffee with good friends!

I had a lovely morning having coffee at a gorgeous friend's house. There were two of my good friends there too and we had a great chat while Flori played with the other baby there, the beautiful Evie! Well when I say played they sat near each other while my friend's puppy jumped about licking their faces and Evie got a bit excited and accidentally whacked Flori in the face a few times! Lol. Well not lol for Flori but she survived and they're still friends.

Picked Maddy up and from there on in, it was all go! We rushed home to get Maddy changed, grab lunch, drive down the road then realise I didn't have swimming stuff, go back, get swimming stuff, drive to pick up Granny, go to Ocean Terminal and get a birthday card and wee pressy for Kate the lovely trampoline teacher, drop Maddy off at swimming, instruct Granny about getting Maddy ready after swimming, and then drive to the paediatric audiology unit to get Floriana's hearing checked!

It was so cute as Flori was a bit scared of the earplug type earphone thingies with big wires attached which stuck out of her ears, but the lady who sat in front of her distracted her very well. I was looking in the mirror at her and could see these big fat tears rolling down her face from when she'd been crying, and it was so sweet! She passed with flying colours though, and I loved the moving animal toys which lit up inside boxes to the left and right of the room to reward her for looking the right way when she heard a noise. Such a good way to do it! Whoever thought of it is very clever!

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