In Tru Life

By TruLife

Dolly Play

I didn't get the chance to photograph the kids today but Maddy has started playing with her dolls again and in such a sweet way. She'll make such a good mummy! I used to play with dolls till I was 13... yes 13! I desperately wanted a baby but dolls were a much better alternative don't you think? I did treat them like real babies though and made food for them and changed their nappies and everything. If I could have got my hands on one of these real life training dolls for teen mums... or rather to stop teens becoming mums, I'd have been in my element! We had to take the double buggy out with us today and it sat in between Maddy and I in the back of the car (as I've been relegated there since baby now sits up front).

Baby Floriana can now crawl properly and it's amazing and wonderful even though it happens to most other babies! I took a video and will put it on facebook tomorrow. I don't know if this is possible but can't you pick the settings for a video you post and choose available to everyone? Then if I post link here people can see it? Is that right anyone?

Hubby and I have had lots and lots of cross words today so a bit sad today :-(

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