
By beveridge

The Brick Wall

........... to almost all this might just look like a couple of names on an old sheet of paper.

But this is an extract from my great grandmother's birth record which arrived yesterday. My father and siblings never knew their grandmother as she was killed in an accident before they were born and none of them knew her surname. A few years ago I was given (the wrong) surname by family in Australia but they themselves had also been serching (much longer than me) hitting the same brick wall, the only document I had for her ws the burial record which of course showed her married name and a photo which vanished from my parents house years ago. However a couple of weeks ago by chance I located a reference to Flora's husband (my great grandfather) and there was her surname as bold as brass right in front of me - PARDO rather than Jordan it was a fist in the air moment I can tell you. Now I have birth, death, marriage and census records for her and the next hurdle is to locate when they went out to India as Flora's father (who was born in the Netherlands) eventually owned or managed a circus which toured out East and eventually Flora met and married my great grandfather in Calcutta. Interesting (well for me) to also discover that Flora's mother's family came from Kent and then moved to London so of course I was able to go back 2 more generations with help of some census sheets.

I am happy happy happy! The moral is never give up :)

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