Linda's Blips

By Enya

Wet Pigeons

These pigeons are just a few of about 30 very wet chaps sitting on the fence at the park. Went for my walk this morning in teaming rain it was wonderful. My pants were so wet foam started to appear on my right knee....a golf ball size of white foam. I wondered what it was....I don't think my washing machine rinses very well so the white eruption was left over soap suds.
I did try to take a blip of a big crow strutting about but he must have been frightened off either by my stressed out whistling or my foam producing knee.
Two weeks to my daughters wedding..I'm giving her away with her father and I'm doing the speech and have just started the OU course (silly to do it all).Also I'm having 50 of guests for lunch on the Sunday after the wedding!!! The end of this week I am spending the weekend with said daughter up in the Lake District so hopefully chill a bit..........I feel a Tourette Whistling bout coming we go.........Jerusalem!!!!!

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