Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Who's That?

It's Roley and Bob the Builder, that's who! (If Orla doesn't know who a particular character is, she will ask "who's that?" until she gets a satisfactory answer. Thank goodness for Wikipanion!). After a nice leisurely breakfast and morning in the house, we went to visit Auntie Katie and Uncle Scott. They showed us photos of their honeymoon in Crete - the swimming pool had a bridge over it exactly like the one in the Night Garden! Afterwards we went to Dobbie's in Stirling for lunch. I had a nice salad. We bought some bulbs to plant that will flower in the spring and we had a look around the lovely food section. The baker was there and he came out with two biscuits, one shaped like a heart and one shaped like a circle. He asked me which one I liked best, and I chose the heart, and he gave it to me to share with my Mummy! On the way out I had a go on Roley, but not a proper go as I don't like it when they move.

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