Lunch in Glas-co

Dad wanted to go to the Apple Store today, so we went into Glasgow. By the time we got there, our first stop was lunch. We decided to try Jamie's Italian Restaurant on George Square. Mum and Dad tried to come here once before but there was a very long queue. Mum is trying to make her own sourdough, and the first thing we saw when we went into Jamie's was some amazing bread. Mum doesn't think that hers will look like that. Mum and Dad both enjoyed their lunch. Initially I refused to eat my pasta, or any of the bread, but I did eventually tuck in.

Unusually for me, I had two sleeps in the afternoon, which meant I didn't want to go to sleep at my usual time tonight. It didn't matter too much though, because Auntie Katie, Uncle Scott, Gran, Papa and Uncle Patrick came round tonight to look at the wedding photos and watch the video. Everyone was pleased that I was able to join in!

Nb. I baked my loaf and it tasted fine, but didn't rise evenly, or overall as much as it should've done. But it was only my first attempt and I was quite pleased with it. Plenty more practice required!

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