All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Obi, 6 months on.

Someone mentioned on one of my recent blips that I haven't done an update on Obi for a while. As it's now just over 6 months since his accident, it seemed appropriate to do one now. And as you can see, he's doing fantastically well! You'd never know most of the time that he has damaged eyesight apart from the fact he is a wee bit more cautious when jumping and that he gets a fright if you approach him from behind if he's not expecting it. Other than that, he is doing everything he used to before! He still drinks from the tap, pees in the toilet and torments Cleo when she's sleeping. I'm so proud of him!

As for us humans today, we went shopping to buy some locks to put on the kitchen cupboards now Ethan is showing an interest in trying to open them. However, we got completely sidetracked in the Early Learning Centre and ended up buying Ethans birthday present (only 2 months to go)! Then did a big shop in Tescos and completely forgot about the locks. Oops!

Ethan was a star with his sleeping today. He had a nap in his cot in the morning for over an hour. And although I put him in his cot at bedtime when he was still wide awake, after spending 15 minutes or so chattering away to himself, he then fell asleep! So he CAN do it - just wish he'd do it more often! Fingers crossed he'll sleep through the night (hah - I wish)!

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