All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Happy Feet

Hubbie is working a change of shift this week (11am-7pm instead of 8am-4pm). Although Ethan was only up once during the night, at 4am, I couldn't get back to sleep at all and was still awake, but knackered, when Ethan woke for the day at 6.30am. Lucky then that hubbie was around and able to see to Ethan while I got a lie-in!

I'd planned to do a few things today that I've been meaning to do for ages, such as joining the library. However, as it was a glorious day, I decided it would be nicer to be outdoors most of the day instead.

In the morning, Ethan & I walked down to the nursery to confirm starting dates. I'd initially provisionally booked him in to start mid November, although had hoped it would actually end up being January. However, I got confirmation last week from my boss that I have loads more annual leave than I thought I did and that he's happy for me to tag it on to the end of my maternity leave. This means I don't have to go back to work till February 25th, when Ethan will be 14 months old! Yay!

I bumped into another mummy I've become friends with, on the way down to the nursery. We're debating whether or not to start going to Zumba together. I've left it to her to confirm which classes she'll be able to make, as she goes back to work in a few weeks time and we'll take it from there.

In the afternoon I decided to go back to the Heritage Centre as I suspect we're not going to use our membership so much over the coming months, now the weather is tending to be colder and wetter. I've bilpped Ethan on the trampoline there before. What a difference 3 months makes though. Last time, he couldn't sit up. Now he's able to balance himself really well, even when I was bouncing up and down on it along side him!

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