Thistle Down

By Ethel

In Tribute - To Him

My pen doth rise to give thee honor,
My mind doth follow in its stead.
A tribute to your passing,
Wherein the words of truth are fed.

You lived...and loved this mortal haven,
And strived to better it again.
You kept a candle in your window,
Burning for your fellowmen.

Your heart was full of love's emotions,
With tender feelings for another.
You knew that so divinely called,
You were keeper of your brother. knew had much to offer,
That abounding trials were often rough.
You sensed the dangers of deception,
And that outward show was not enough.

How you treasured every friendship,
And praised God's divine.
You walked the world with up-right motives,
And sought for traits most genuine.

O Yes...dear friend...we'll surely miss you,
Miss your presence being here.
Miss your greetings and your handclasp,
Because to were most dear.

Every-day we'll soothe our feelings,
And from life's pangs subdue this clay.
We will seek consoling powers,
Knowing you're not far away.

Yes...we'll turn away from sorrow,
And try not bow our heads in grief.
Reaching out in ways rejoicing,
Happy for your sweet relief.

In the meantime...we'll be searching,
And wait for that celestial place.
Where we can gain a high perception,
To life our eyes...and seek thy face.

Written in January 1974 for G. Wallace Wadsworth

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Family; This is a picture of a grain drill. It was used to plant grain and other seeds. Adjustable to depth and size of grain, peas, or alfalfa seed. Held 100 to 300 pounds of seed. Pulled by horses, later adapted to the tractor. Late 1800's - mid 1900's.

I thought it fitting for the many seeds of kindness that Mr. Wadsworth shared with our family.

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