My life in blips

By Goretex

Red 1

Struggling lately to come up with blip photos, so asked Eubers to set me a theme for the week. This is the first photo of 5 in the series of the theme "red".

Good day today with time spent in nursery, and at two of our authority's schools for children with additional support needs. Enjoyed taking part in a discussion about children with selective mutism and sharing experience with colleagues.

One of Eubers brothers dropped in and had some tea with us so it was good to see him.

After tea, went round to A'desk's and met up with a school friend I hadn't seen in 20 years - turns out he lives round the corner - how spooky is that!!! Baked (there's a surprise) chocolate cherry cupcakes which seemed to go down well. As Eubers said, "You can bake these again!!"

MP update......... still not able to keep her food down. Have now had to hose down two door mats. She'll be fine soon.

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