Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


He never stops. Up early this morning as the TV man was supposed to arrive at 9am, by 9.30 he hadn't arrived, a quick phone call to establish his anticipated time of arrival, midday!! Roy was out in the garden by 9.15 laying the next batch of the 350 tiles he has to lay. This afternoon he is out there grouting them in. Please note the slippers, they are Clarks they cost me over 30 quid and he uses them for painting and gardening. I have now resorted to buying him cheap slippers from the market.

Off to Barcelona on Thursday for a few days, and guess what, its forecast to rain, ho hum!! So the umbrella will be packed along with the mac. Off to charge the camera battery as we are doing the inside of the Sagrada Familia, hopefully will be able to take some photos.

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