Mrs Bear

By mrsbear

JB! JB! J..... B!

After staying at Jen's, and a lovely leisurely breakfast and chat, we went back into London for some more sightseeing. We walked for ages with the Tube strike being on.. but it was dry and we walked through lovely areas - swiss cottage, st john's wood, regents park, baker street, hyde park. We saw a red-faced Chris Moyles running (we presume, given the time) home from the Beeb. And for the first time, I saw Broadcasting House - I think I will forever be a yokel in London village, no matter how often I'm there for work or fun. I do love it ;)

We spent a few hours at the Science Museum enjoying the Flight and 'Who am I?' exhibits. Felt like a kid again, trying out all the interactive displays. Totally recommended!

The best was saved til last though - going to see John Barrowman sing at the RAH, my birthday pressie from HB. The average age was a tad older than us but it was SO much fun. Lots of great singing, amazing dancing and a healthy dose of hilarity and camp jokes. Still laughing. Oh and we sat across from David Tenant and others from Doctor Who. Celebtastic spotting day!

Go John!!!!!

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