In Sorelworld...

By sroget


After a meeting in Sheung Wan tonight, I walked to Central with the intent of going to my favourite camera shop to buy a new SLR (as my 40D has been somewhat out of commission for 2 months and I was planning on trading it in anyway). Wandering through random streets and alleys, I was reminded of all the amazing scenes and sites that Hong Kong has to offer - a new surprise waiting for you around every corner.

Unfortunately, when I reached the camera shop they were closed, much earlier than expected :( Will try again on Sunday perhaps. I can't believe I haven't done so already in over 2 years here, but once I have my new SLR, I am determined to set aside a Hong Kong photo day to just wander around and explore the city with my lens. And now the weather is finally nice enough to do so!

Some post-processing could have enhanced this shot but I don't have time at the moment and have been so behind with my blips, I think this just needs to go straight up.

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