I need you

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I didn't feel for blip tonight. I haven't even looked at my camera during the whole day. I was planning a total blip free evening.

My body is aching. I need rest coz i am all worn out after the past weeks adventure.

Then, this picture of my angel popped into my mind.

We had some alone time, her and me. Oliver is working. Tommy and the little monster is away on the indoor bla bla thing. I asked her if she wanted me to blip her and soft as a kitten she answered, yes.

suddenly I had the energy.

She made faces. She was laughing. Then she become serious.

I need you, sweet daughter of mine.

My dearest. You are away more than you are home. You pack your pink bag and leave us for days. You need it. You need the space. You need your freedom. Now you slept at home for two days and I love it. I enjoy your company more than you know. i wont tell you straight out coz bad, guilty feelings inside you aint good. I step back and put your well being first. When you need me, you seek me. Daddy and i do understand more then you know with your head but you do know with your heart. Give and take. We give you freedom, you give us responsibility.

I need you, but I let you be the one you need to be, right now.

(We always know where she is. We are in touch several times a day. I work next to her school. She just need her friends right now.)

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