Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Morning Reed

After lots of drink and not much sleep it was up in time for sunrise over Loch Lomond.

After yesterdays howling gales, it was a lovely still morning with no frost but still damned cold.

The drive down the side of the Loch was "interesting" as the deer were down from the hills and after coming over a blind crest - on a corner - I meet one of them standing in the middle of the (single track) road..............antilock brakes are a god send.

After that little meeting the only deer we saw were on an island just too far away to photograph.

After breakfast it was off to Aberfoyle to photgraph the waterfall in the Queen Elizabeth Forrest. It was here that one of the guys fell in (there is always one). He made a brilliant and dramatic save and managed to keep his tripod and fitted camera out of the water........he thrashed about on his back like an upturned beetle trying to get out without getting his camera wet.

Shame he had forgotten that the (submerged) bag on his back contained all his lenses.....................at least one of them is bin material.

Chris never made it from Ireland due to all sorts of problems at the airport etc - shame.

Evening was more late night 'socialising'

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