Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Is It Wet?

After a distinct lack of sleep it was up at "stupid o'clock" to get on the minibus and travel to Gencoe.

The weather was horrible............howling gale and rain coming in almost horizontally.

The shots of that infamous Black Rock Cottage were definately out - it had cars all round it and the no sign of the mountains behind it.....in fact - it looked like a white sheet had been hung up.

Nothing to do but go to the pub.

Pub not open.

Pub opened after lots of banging on the doors and shouting abuse at staff.

Hey - look - the rain has stopped and the clouds have lifted..............back out - take loads of pictures and back to the pub for lunch.

A stop at Glen Etive resulted in more pictures and then it was back on the coach for a LOOOOOONNG drive back due the the driver being the slowest in the world.

In fact he was so so we were forced to stop at another pub to prevent wrists being slashed through boredom and exhasperation.

Back at the hostel there was a raffle to raise funds for a rescue dog for the Mountain Rescue Team (£340+ raised).

Evening meal at the pub followed by live entertainment and loads of papping (shooting each other in compromising situations).........................and a late night

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