Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Yes, I know, I promised no more snake blips for a while but firstly it was late and I was tired and secondly she caused me a lot of worry today.

N and J popped round this evening to give Milo a check over. She's been acting a bit oddly the last couple of days, she did this crazy head tremor thing last night and then was acting freaked out when she was put back in the viv. She's also been a little hissy which believe it or not, is out of character so I thought I'd be on the safe side and check she wasn't injured or ill. Thankfully it turned out I was just being paranoid, the head shake was likely muscle strain and the odd behaviour in her viv was probably due to her picking up on an odd vibration from another flat. She's also been spending time hiding outside her hide (as seen here) but that sort of odd behaviour I kind of like!

Once they'd gone I figured my brain was in no state to do any more revision for the night so B & I watched a film with a nice glass of wine.

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