Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Land of the silver birch

Well the week carries on being great. Today mum decided to close her shop and make the most of the autumnal sunshine. Myself, clickychick, chippy and my dad headed out to Dalemain to enjoy a morning wandering through the gardens taking many glorious photos. I've been really frustrated lately at the fact I've not been able to get out of my flat and see the world. I've been fobbing you off with half hearted still life blips of things from my flat when what I really wanted was some sunshine!

Had a really enjoyable morning and got many photos that on any other day I would have been absolutely delighted to have used for my blip. Eventually I narrowed it down to 5 and then chose this one of the bark of a silver birch as I loved the textures in it.

The afternoon held more interest for me. Having been diagnosed with the dust allergy in August and knowing that often something within my diet didn't feel quite right I decided to get a food intolerance test done. It was using electrical currents rather than pin pricks and whilst yes, people often say they aren't accurate/based in science blah blah blah, I got positive reactions to foods I already knew I had problems with so I'm tempted to believe the rest. So for the next 8 weeks I'll be attempting to exclude: dairy, coffee, all citrus fruits, chilli, spinach and mushrooms. If I feel it's made a difference, I'll then reintroduce them one at a time and combine checking symptoms with the heart beat test to see if they really are a problem or if I can eat them again. It was interesting to hear that dairy has links to breathing problems and also I'm deficient in minerals that regulate blood sugar.

We'll see how I get on, yes I love all those foods but if it makes me feel better, well it might all be worth it.

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