
By Yeda

Bloom Where You are Planted

I've been up-rooted more times in my life than my every neighbor past and present. Or so it feels. I've had to adapt and maintain a decent level of sanity along my amazing adventure in this life. I loved every place we ever lived. 'Cause, ya know, Home is where the heart is. So pieces of my heart remain all over the world.

Planted is supposed to mean staying put, and this is a new concept for me. Not one I can easily maintain given I am constantly with children day in and out. I wake up each day with a specific purpose in mind, which is to simply stay in peace. It's calisthenics for my sanity. Yin and Yang are evenly matched.

Our flower market is still going strong. One of the Amish farmers just became a father for the 11th time, a daughter. He told his friends that he was happy to have a daughter rather than a boy as she is willing to work anywhere where help is needed, while a son would only want to be outside.

What a commodity we women are.

Amazingly, the honeymoon is not quite over for me. Been planted here with the intention of staying for as long as we want. It just might feel good to rest and slow down. Maybe after the house-painting is finished. And every detail I can fashion for my house, while trying to keep to my inner-Minimalist.

The garden is my chapel, an amazing amount of peace grows here. It's not always comfortable, but there's nothing better. I dream about it. Every way I can make the house greener, adds excitement (and ibuprofen) to my life. So far, we are collecting rainwater for the garden. The solar panels are providing our electricity. And miraculously our newer, more efficient fridge fit through the door. Can't beat an American refrigerator. I've hugged it many times.

Ever thankful to have climbed the many mountains of this world, I know my best adventure is still ahead of me. I'm rooting for it.

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