
By PlanW

Red and Yellow and Pink and Green

Orange and Tiny and Sad* ....

I'm making carrot and coriander soup this evening. I pulled these little fellas from the pot this afternoon and was surprised to say the least. They're TINY!!! I've thrown a pound coin in for scale - I didn't dig it up. Wouldn't be good if you could? Fortunately, I also have 1kg of whoppers bought from Lidl yesterday for 29p.

Another minor disppointment was the Ultimate pegs. I've had washing out all day and it's still not dry. I feel a letter coming on.

In a contrast to yesterday's 20,000 steps on the paedo-meter, I've only notched up 2000-ish today. The furthest I walked was from the car to the supermarket, round the aisles and out again. I've had the fire lit, read the papers, a sneaky tea-time snooze. Now I've got the X-factor to look forward to. Fab.

*I Can Sing A Rainbow .... Traditional?

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