Is That All There Is Is?

"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper? " Princess Leia

That's what these boys look like, eh?

Went to the pictures at Livingston this evening and nipped into the shops beforehand and managed to bag myself some fabulously cutting edge laundry 'solutions'. These little fellas are 'Ultimate' pegs. Definitely not your ordinary pegs, not even 'Super' or 'Luxury' pegs but Ultimate. I can't begin to imagine just how they'll transform my laundry 'experience'. Not only are they Ultimate but the cherry on the cake is that they were only £1. I know!!!

We saw 'Eat Pray Love', Julia Roberts' new effort, nowhere near as bad as all the reviews, a wonderful travelogue and she got to snog Javier Bardem.

Came home, watched the X-Factor. Two words. Mary. Byrne.

Is That All There Is, Peggy Lee, 1969

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