Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Construction blip

My life seems always under construction. I should wear a hard hat everywhere I go. I could serve as a docent at Home Depot and Lowe's.

Today I am trying to fix the closet and build new shelves.

Meanwhile all the clothes and closet stuff is piled up about the bedroom. Heaps of books and magazines twist and tumble alongside the bed. I can no longer tell the clean clothes pile from the dirty clothes pile and often resort to the sniff test prior to dressing. The computer is akimbo but functional, wires and hard drives and power strips amassed in a gordian tangle.
Electric drills and boxes of drywall screws sit in a kitty litter container atop Webster's Dictionary next to cardboard apple crates packed with my prior existence.
Somewhere are my latest pair of reading glasses.

Often a flashlight comes in handy when negotiating this mess.

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