secret garden

By freespiral

Mural update

What a day!! Crisp and incredibly bright this morning - shades and de-mister on full as I headed east. The sky was incredible - not a cloud to be seen and the most amazing but but ferocious reflections on the water. Too dazzling for my lens. The water was like mercury and very high. Heading towards the estuary the sea was giving off a light steam. Just wonderful.

Not an auspicious start in school though as I was nearly vomited over - that explained her bad temper :( However, the weather allowed much work to be done on the mural. Here is Levi giving the sun a second coat. The children are all very enthusiastic and taking great care and it's nice to be outside, painting and chatting - you get a different perspective.

Home and straight down to the sea - now an unusually low tide. The water was so clear and a little paddle was in order - not too bad! As always, a lovely place just to sit and stare and chill. The last of the spring bulbs are now planted and the sun is still shining.

Thanks for all the nice comments about yesterday's blip - Sheila liked it too.

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