secret garden

By freespiral

Shrimping (I think)!

Another glorious day - crisp cold and still this morning, now clear and warm - ideal conditions for more mural activity. The background is now complete and we can start the fun stuff tomorrow - the intention is that everyone is responsible for a creature and a flower, so bring on the bugs!

I had to go down to the beach even before I went home as it was so beautiful. The tide was way out and I spotted this lone figure busy in the water. It seemed a very timeless scene - he had a massive net on a stick which he was dragging in the mud then examining it carefully. I suspect he was looking for shrimps - or maybe scallops. I was going to be brave and approach him, when he wandered off further out into the water and I'm still wearing sandals! I liked the way he was engaged in his simple, sustainable activity when next to him was a massive f*** off yacht belonging to a local TD (MP)!!

Tonight it's arthouse cinema and we are going to see Samson and Delilah - an aboriginal film - could be a bit heavy I suspect but don't think I'll need the scarf.

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