Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

The school...

Today I visited the school (Koninklijk Atheneum, Deurne) I will be teaching my first ever physics lesson in front of real students. Thankfully I will not be the only student teacher in the school and I will get support and help from the class' normal physics teacher.

I took these shots this afternoon, then rushed back into town to get my next college about didactics. Not at all used to have two nights of knowledge being distributed, I am exhausted

I have to admit though that I loved the school building and I am excited about teaching there!

Made 4 shots of the school as just one didn't do justice to the building and added those together. However, I am not allowed to post that on blip. So if you want to see the collage you need to go to Flickr.

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