
By dailykeith

First .uk then the .world

First a quick boast - I've done the ironing two days running! But unfortunately the ironing board doesn't have quite the same photographic potential as the iron itself, so the blip had to wait.

You can already tell this has been a day of highs. It's certainly been a busy day off.

Those very nice people at Specsavers, when I told them my contact lens solution was running low, gave me a supply for free!

Then after visiting the lettings agent to ask when they will finally get round to replacing the six broken bulbs we inherited in our flat, I went on a lovely walk along the harbourside here at Bristol.

There is such a special feeling being by the water among the boats - a sense of anticipation and all sorts of possibilities as the world opens up before every compass and tiller.

The Mathew, a replica of John Cabot's Tudor merchant ship, was giving a party of excited schoolchildren a voyage down the river.

Another group of youngsters were being given sailing lessons in little white dinghys with bright blue sails fluttering in the breeze.

At one stage I diverted off the harbour path and the picture above shows one of the new developments nearby, with an intriguing seat-cum-sculpture etched with web address suffixes for different countries around the world. Bristol Cathedral is in the background.

When I finished my stroll, I enrolled at the library, bought flowers, curry paste and bananas at Waitrose, came home and rang my parents, did the cleaning, cooked the evening meal and... relax! (No apologies to those colleagues reading this who refuse to use ellipses - it's my blip, OK?!)

I'm going to round off the day by penning something for the Guardian travel writing competition.

Oh... err... I'll then make a decision about whether to do an OU Spanish course. The deadline's tomorrow! I've been pondering it all day.

And sleep!

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