
By dailykeith

Pressing engagement

You can tell how unusual it is for me to visit the ironing board when I decide to make it the intro to my blip. Quite disgraceful, really.

I think the only irons I am well acquainted with are those that keep me chained to my desk. I certainly don't know those of a golfing variety.

Anyway, my new flat has gifted me so much extra time in the morning that I was able to wrestle with a weird table-top ironing board and repeatedly tangle and untangle myself from the electrical cord (because I was ironing left-handed in a right-handed position) and still have lots of time to relax before work.

In fact, I think I'm going to have to put this extra time to good use. Revisiting the Open University is always a possibility, but I also fancy learning a musical instrument or finally having a proper crack at teaching myself Spanish.

Whatever I choose, it's just great to have some kind of life back again after spending the past year(s) working long, long hours and commuting for long, long hours.

I could, of course, open some sort of ironing service, but I'm not sure I'd be allowed to do that from the flat. Shame!

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