
By Fisherking

We don't talk loudly in corridors.............

Because there's lessons going on!

This is the corridor to my place of work. On the left the door to Andrea's lab, room 11 and on the right room 12, which used to be a lab but is now the Graphics room.

Next on the right, my lab, number 13!....and on the left the Prep Room where the technicians live.

Further down on the left the short corridor to lab 15, and on the right Peter's lab, room 14.

At the bottom on the left the other Andrea's room, lab 16, the doors to the outside world and on the right, the corridor down to the technology area.

Because my lab's the first on the right, whenever the Boss brings visitors round guess where the first port of call is? And the opening line is always the same...."This is one of our new labs, we took out all the old dark wooden benches and paid a fortune for this, light, airy, bright and modern......It's a pity we can't do anything with some of the staff though!"

He really needs to get some new material. Because I've worked here for 31 years, if it's a parent he's showing round it's often someone I taught years ago, and sometimes his patter backfires when the parent says "He taught me, he's really good, you shouldn't pick on him, it's because of him I'm a nurse/ vet nurse/scientist/teacher etc. Then I get the last laugh (and a slight tingle of pride).

When we re-did the labs we went for the "corporate" look, the corridor is pale green with green signage and the labs are pale blue with blue signage........and the signs read "Science@BOSC".

Das vidanya and spakoyney no-chi.

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