...the cat's in the cradle...

Oh how I wish I could curl up like this.

Went to work today......big mistake....only two hours teaching....but it took an hour between lessons to ease my back.

Went out to the fun quiz tonight....big mistake...had to sit on a straight backed chair and by the end of the evening was in agony. Thought the beer might act as a muscle relaxant....but no such luck.

Went bed at 11.00....woke at 2.10 in pain....had to heat up a wheat bag to try and get back to sleep....woke again at 4.15.....had to heat up the wheat bag again......woke again at 5.20....gave up and got up....took nearly 20 minutes to get down stairs.

If this keeps up will need much stronger pain killers.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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