Bedtime Stories

I love bedtime stories. I am allowed a maximum of three. Once I've brushed my teeth and got my pyjamas on, I can choose books out of the book box. I am very particular about which books I want. If Mum or Dad try to read a book that I don't want, I say "no" and close it over.* Tonight was Dad's turn to put me to bed. He was busy taking photos, so I took the opportunity to pile LOTS of books up on the bed. Dad wouldn't read them all to me though!

Once we've finished reading stories, Mum/Dad give me a kiss goodnight and put out the light. I have a Winnie the Pooh nighlight, which projects onto the wall and plays a soothing tune. So that goes on, Mum/Dad sit by the side of the bed and hold my hand [with iPhone in the other hand] and eventually I fall asleep.

We had a musical interlude before bedtime tonight, a rendition from me on Yojojo's banjo. Here's a video.

*And now for a bad mother confession - some of Orla's books really irritate me, and inevitably these are the ones she wants to read. So, I take them out of her room. Out of sight, out of mind. I don't do away with them completely, mind, I just put them downstairs. Where she isn't remotely interested in them.

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