Grassy Grasshopper

M&Z went for a lovely walk this afternoon, they are a bit more adventurous than me, they unlock the back gate and wonder into the bushes behind our complex! I was too 'lazy' to join them, but Z was kind enough to take my camera with him and shoot lots of great pics for me!!

This well camouflaged grasshopper was one of those very precious pictures he took for his ole mother-in-law! Thx Z, it is dééply appreciated! ;-)

We could unfortunately not go to ~Letstryit this afternoon, due to unforeseen circumstances at R snr's work! What a pity!! We really wanted to go there for a few hours, but that will not happen at all during this visit, we will have to fit it in when M&Z come again!!

Eisch, our time is running out vérrrrry fast now!! ;-(

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